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Army officer essay

Army officer essay

army officer essay

A Brief Note On The United States Army Most Soldiers Words | 7 Pages. States Army most Soldiers want to know if they can have trust in their Non Commissioned Officers, and they can if they are treated right and the Non Commissioned Officer does what is May 02,  · Why I Want To Be An Army Officer Essay. 02 May, Army, Free Essays 1. Contents hide. 1. Example #1. 2. Example #2. 3. Example #3. 4. Example #4. 5. Example #5. 6. Example #6. 7. Example #7 – Interesting Ideas. Example #1. There are two main reasons why I want to become an Officer. First of all, I want to make a difference in the training Estimated Reading Time: 10 mins Aug 22,  · WHY I WANT TO BE AN ARMY OFFICER The first time I considered joining the army I was a homeless teen who was also an undocumented immigrant in court proceedings trying to adjust my status. It was during my attendance at the Borough of Manhattan Community College; I would walk pass the Estimated Reading Time: 9 mins

Why Do I Want To Be An Army Officer, Essay Sample

Browse the database of more than essays donated by our army officer essay members! There are two main reasons why I want to become an Officer. First army officer essay all, I want to make a difference in the training of Reserve Soldiers. Second of all, I enjoy challenges, and becoming an Officer would be a new challenge that I would take with complete seriousness and would excel in. I have been in the United States Army Reserves for almost ten years.

During these ten years, I have become very proficient at my MOS, which is a 12N and I have been deployed to Iraq in Army officer essay soldiers is the job I enjoy the most.

deadline 6 hours Writers : ESL Refund : Yes, army officer essay. deadline 3 hours Writers : ESL, ENL Refund : Yes. Payment methods: VISA, MasterCard, American Express, Discover. Over the years, Army officer essay have also had a chance to see and experience training and missions as an enlisted army officer essay. I remember all of army officer essay soldier complaints and mission complications, army officer essay.

A great mentor once told me, army officer essay, the only way to ameliorate the headaches that come along with being a Reserve Soldier is to move up in the ranks, army officer essay. Army officer essay is what I desire to do. Honestly, I do not fully understand all the responsibilities of a Commissioned Officer. However, I do know that they are responsible for army officer essay majority of the planning.

With my teaching background, army officer essay, my experience as an enlisted soldier, as a Noncommissioned Officer, and my experience with soldiers, I can make battle assemblies more worthwhile and meaningful to all soldiers alike.

I first handedly know what soldiers enjoy and I do have many great ideas that will without a doubt ensure high morale within any unit I am assigned to. I absolutely love being in the United States Army and I live by the Army values. Learning new skills and being challenged are things that I take pleasure in. Becoming a Commissioned Officer would allow me to apply my knowledge and experience to the operations side of the Army. The Army will extremely benefit from my ambition and determination.

Becoming a Commissioned Officer would be a challenge I would like to accept. When I first enlisted, I did not know where my army officer essay career would take me. Back at that time, I thought that I may only complete my initial enlistment and move on to other professional pursuits.

However, over the past nine years, I have come to embrace all that the United States military stands for. I believe that service as an Army officer is a distinguished honor that is surrounded by a rich history of all who have served and sacrificed before me.

The first time I considered joining the military was shortly after September 11, The terrible events that occurred on that day demonstrated the need for dedicated men and women to serve our nation and protect against all enemies, both foreign and domestic.

I cannot think of a better place to serve our great nation than army officer essay the U. Army and I believe that, within the Army, the best way I can put all my resources to service is as an officer, army officer essay. I possess a diverse and comprehensive background of experience and training, army officer essay.

A servant leader is someone who looks to the needs of the people and asks how they can help them to solve problems and promote personal development. They place their main focus on people because content and motivated people are able to reach their targets and to fulfill the set expectations.

This has a direct connection to being an effective Army officer. High-quality leadership is critical in order to accomplish the mission and succeed in motivating soldiers to perform at the peak of their personal ability level. It is important to avoid complacency and continually strive for excellence. If I am selected to become an army officer essay in the United States Army, I will draw from my experience in the enlisted ranks when I lead and interact with soldiers under my command, army officer essay.

It is my personal goal to strive to become the best soldier I can be and utilize all professional advancement opportunities that are available to me. All officers are soldiers first and I will make it a priority to remember this and to live by the Army core values no matter where my career as an officer takes me.

The United States Army is one of the main factors that allows America to be a free and democratic country. The Army defends, protects, and honors the United States of America. Ever since I was a young boy, I saw greatness in the United States Army and hoped to one day be a part of it, army officer essay. I always army officer essay myself in a leadership position and when I decided army officer essay join the Army, army officer essay, I knew being an officer was for me.

To me, being an officer in the U. Army is a career unlike any other. There are many opportunities as an officer in the Army to advance, further education, and grow as a person.

The army allows you to switch army officer essay MOS and attend more training to further education or to change careers completely which is something…. I feel that I will be a great role model for my platoon because I am dedicated, hard-working, army officer essay, and relentless. Officers are responsible to lead and protect the people under them. They must have courage, strength, leadership, integrity, army officer essay, and respect.

An officer in the Army needs army officer essay be able to think fast and make decisions for an entire platoon of soldiers.

Another important responsibility of an officer is to be able to make operation orders quickly and effectively. This is necessary to be able to complete the mission successfully and on time. Army officer essay feel that although this is a difficult task for me right now, I am gaining a lot of experience writing them through officer candidate school and it something that I will continue to improve upon.

An important part of being an officer is being able to give constructive evaluations of your soldiers so they can continue to improve themselves and help make the platoon better.

These evaluations are important to help each soldier understand what they are doing well and what they need to improve upon so they can further their career in the Army. I feel that I will excel at this because I am used to army officer essay constructive feedback at my current and previous jobs.

I also want to help my soldiers succeed so I feel that I will take the extra time to make their evaluations very specific. Another important part of being an officer is army officer essay handle the administrative work so that the platoon gets all…. The first time I considered joining the army I was a homeless teen who was also an undocumented immigrant in court proceedings trying to adjust my status. It was during my attendance at the Borough of Manhattan Community College; I would walk pass the recruiting station located on Chambers Street thinking to myself when I become a legal resident of the United States of America I am going to join the army.

It was the most selfless act I could do for my family and the country that had allowed me to continue to be a member of its society. I also desire to commission as an army officer because I believe that I have demonstrated my ability as a person who can lead, accept responsibilities, and adapt to an ever-changing organization and world.

Four years ago I joined the army because I wanted to show my appreciation to our great nation, today I would like the opportunity to do something even greater. I love serving my country; our country, but now the time has come where I feel as though leading from the front is something that I can be great at. Although I am currently a Specialist without any Soldiers my peers always look to me for guidance. It is my belief that all soldiers in the army are leaders and that in order for anyone to be a great officer they must also be able to follow directions.

To me being an officer also means that one must also be a great follower; being an enlisted Soldier for the last four years has had a positive impact even more so on that belief. What makes a great officer is how he or she uses their experiences to become better leaders and how they apply that knowledge gained from their experiences to shape future leaders, army officer essay. I love serving my country, but now I would love the opportunity to lead from the front.

Life for me as a soldier and a civilian has been a lesson of great resilience and profound opportunities from being homeless to becoming a member of the greatest family of one army officer essay the world the United States Army. Why would I not want to be a leading member of army officer essay greatest army, the greatest nation the world has ever seen, and will ever see?

Most of all when asking this question to myself the answer ultimately leads to the irrefutable fact that I love to lead and one can only lead from the front. I would love to be afforded the opportunity to be apart from the personnel that is responsible for making the decisions and implementing the plans and policies that guide all soldier personnel. I by no means feel that I have all of the answers, but I feel that I do have the drive for knowledge and the ability to make good decisions with authority and leadership.

I do believe that it takes a great leader to pool the strengths of others and to that, I feel called. It is the by far the most selfless act anyone or I can do for the comfort of freedom. The US Army is founded upon seven principles i. Personal Courage, Integrity, Honor, Selfless Service, Respect, Duty, and Loyalty. US Army Manuals, Soldiers are taught about these values during training and they soon form part of their lives as they carry out their duties.

Because I share the desire to acquire and live according to these values, then I believe that the US Army would be the right place for me. In the civilian world, many people are familiar with all the latter values; however, very few of them actually embrace them as part of their lives, army officer essay.

Most of them may consider these values as theoretical ones and rarely do they adhere to army officer essay of them. However, US Army officers are different in this regard. This is because the seven Army values are part of what they are. All US Army officers are expected to bear allegiance to the Army, the US constitution, and to their fellow soldiers, army officer essay.

Loyalty as an army value is first and foremost directed to the country and its heritage. In theory, this may seem like a relatively easy thing to do, army officer essay. However, there is much that has to be considered in the execution of this value. For instance, when soldiers are out in combat and they are heading towards a location that they may not be sure of, it is essential for these officers to demonstrate their loyalty to the Army by obeying the directions of their Captain.

US Army, In order to be loyal, it is necessary for one to actually bear witness to the US Army ideals. This normally means that one has to be willing to devote oneself to the Army and to other persons in the Army. Every Army soldier can contribute towards the greater good of the institution by carrying out their part.

There is only one thing that can prepare an individual to engage or participate in something that poses a serious risk of death. Such officers usually pledge allegiance to their country and their constitution even when it might cause them great harm or even loss of their lives.

While it may be a fact that not all US Army officers are at risk of loss of life, one cannot ignore the fact that it can happen. Consequently, one ought to be ready for this.

Becoming An Army Officer(OCS) - Building An OCS Packet

, time: 7:27

Why I Want to Be an Army Officer Example | Graduateway

army officer essay

Aug 22,  · WHY I WANT TO BE AN ARMY OFFICER The first time I considered joining the army I was a homeless teen who was also an undocumented immigrant in court proceedings trying to adjust my status. It was during my attendance at the Borough of Manhattan Community College; I would walk pass the Estimated Reading Time: 9 mins Sep 14,  · Home Essays Army Officer. Army Officer. Topics: Management, Officer, Leadership Pages: 1 ( words) Published: September 14, Why I want to be an officer? When I first joined Army I made a commitment to serve United State of America as a Soldier. My goal is to be in a leadership position in the Army, to command and control operations May 06,  · Learning new skills and being challenged are things that I take pleasure in. Becoming a Commissioned Officer would allow me to apply my knowledge and experience to the operations side of the Army. The Army will extremely benefit from my ambition and determination. Becoming a Commissioned Officer would be a challenge I would like to blogger.comted Reading Time: 2 mins

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