Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (/ ˈ ɡ ɑː n d i, ˈ ɡ æ n d i /; 2 October – 30 January ) was an Indian lawyer, anti-colonial nationalist, and political ethicist, who employed nonviolent resistance to lead the successful campaign for India's independence from British rule, and in turn inspired movements for civil rights and freedom across the world. The honorific Mahātmā Apr 10, · So, Read this essay on Mahatma Gandhi for understanding deeply. Gandhi Ji was born in Porbandar (Gujarat), on 2 Oct He was the son of Putli bai and Karamchand Gandhi. The father of Mahatma Gandhi became the Deewaans of the state. he gets services mainly from Porbandar and Rajkot. at this time, Gandhi Ji got married to Estimated Reading Time: 6 mins Dec 20, · Essay On Mahatma Gandhi Words | 6 Pages again; it should be enough if we did not run away from the battle.” (Mahatma Gandhi) Mahatma Gandhi’s nonviolent protests did change India for the better. Mahatma Gandhi was a wise man born on October 2, , in western India
Essay On Mahatma Gandhi In + Words »
The honorific Mahātmā Sanskrit : "great-souled", "venerable"first applied to him in in South Africa, is now used throughout the world. Born and raised in a Hindu family in coastal Gujaratessay of mahatma gandhi, western IndiaGandhi trained in law at the Inner TempleLondon, and was called to the bar at age 22 in June After two uncertain years in India, where he was unable to start a successful law practice, he moved to South Africa into represent an Indian merchant in a lawsuit.
He went on to live in South Africa for 21 years. It was in South Africa that Gandhi raised a family, and first employed nonviolent resistance in a campaign for civil rights. Inaged 45, he returned to India. He set about organising peasants, farmers, and urban labourers to protest against excessive land-tax and discrimination.
Assuming leadership of the Indian National Congress inGandhi led nationwide campaigns for easing poverty, essay of mahatma gandhi, expanding women's rights, building religious and ethnic amity, ending untouchabilityand above all for achieving Swaraj or self-rule.
The same year Gandhi adopted the Indian loincloth, or short dhoti and, in the winter, a shawl, both woven with yarn hand-spun on a traditional Indian spinning wheel, or charkhaas a mark of identification with India's rural poor. Thereafter, he lived modestly in a self-sufficient residential communityate simple vegetarian food, and undertook long fasts as a means of self-purification and political protest. Bringing anti-colonial nationalism to the common Indians, Gandhi led them in challenging the British-imposed salt tax with the km mi Dandi Salt March inand later in calling for the British to Quit India in He was imprisoned for many years, upon many occasions, in both South Africa and India.
Gandhi's vision of an independent India based on religious pluralism was challenged in the early s by a new Muslim nationalism which was demanding a separate Muslim homeland carved out of India. Eschewing the official celebration of independence in Delhi, Gandhi visited the affected areas, attempting to provide solace.
In the months following, he undertook several fasts unto death to stop religious violence. The last of these, essay of mahatma gandhi, undertaken on 12 January when he was 78, [12] also had the indirect goal of pressuring India to pay out some cash assets owed to Pakistan.
Gandhi's birthday, 2 October, is commemorated in India as Gandhi Jayantia national holidayand worldwide as the International Day of Nonviolence. Gandhi is commonly, though not formally, considered the Father of the Nation in India, [14] [15] and was commonly called Bapu [16] Gujarati : endearment for father[17] papa [17] [18]. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi [19] was born on 2 October [20] into an Gujarati Modh Bania family of the Vaishya varna [21] in Porbandar also known as Sudamapuria coastal town on the Kathiawar Peninsula and then part of the small princely state of Porbandar in the Kathiawar Agency of essay of mahatma gandhi Indian Empire.
His father, Karamchand Uttamchand Gandhi —served as the diwan chief minister of Porbandar state. Although he only had an elementary education and had previously essay of mahatma gandhi a clerk in the state administration, Karamchand proved a capable chief minister. His first two wives died young, after each had given birth to a daughter, and his third marriage was childless. InKaramchand sought his third wife's permission to remarry; that year, he married Putlibai —who also came from Junagadh, [23] and was from a Pranami Vaishnava family.
On 2 OctoberPutlibai gave birth to her last child, Mohandas, in a dark, windowless ground-floor room of the Gandhi family residence in Porbandar city. As a child, Gandhi was described by his sister Raliat as "restless as mercury, either playing or roaming about.
One of his favourite pastimes was twisting dogs' ears. In his autobiography, he admits that they left an indelible impression on his mind. He writes: "It haunted me and I must have acted Harishchandra to myself times without number. The family's religious background was eclectic. Gandhi's father Karamchand was Hindu and his mother Putlibai essay of mahatma gandhi from a Pranami Vaishnava Hindu family.
she would take the hardest vows and keep them without flinching. To keep two or three consecutive fasts was nothing to her. InGandhi's father Karamchand left Porbandar for the smaller state of Rajkotwhere he became a counsellor to its ruler, essay of mahatma gandhi, the Thakur Sahib; though Rajkot was a less prestigious state than Porbandar, the British regional political agency was located there, which gave the state's diwan a measure of security.
His family then rejoined him in Rajkot. At age 9, Gandhi entered the local school in Rajkotnear his home. There he studied the rudiments of arithmetic, history, the Gujarati language and geography. In Maythe year-old Mohandas was married to year-old Kasturbai Makhanji Kapadia her first name was usually shortened to "Kasturba", and affectionately to "Ba" in an arranged marriageaccording to the custom of the region at that time.
Recalling the day of their marriage, he once said, "As we didn't know much about marriage, for us it meant only wearing new clothes, eating sweets and playing with relatives. Writing many years later, Mohandas described with regret the lustful feelings he felt for his young bride, "even at school I used to think of her, and the thought of nightfall and our subsequent meeting was ever haunting me.
In lateGandhi's father Karamchand died. The two deaths anguished Gandhi. In Novemberthe year-old Gandhi graduated from high school in Ahmedabad.
But he dropped out and returned to his family in Porbandar. Gandhi came from a poor family, and he had essay of mahatma gandhi out of the cheapest college he could afford.
Gandhi's uncle Tulsidas also tried essay of mahatma gandhi dissuade his nephew. Gandhi wanted to go. To persuade his wife and mother, Gandhi made a vow in front of his mother that he would abstain from meat, alcohol and women. Gandhi's brother Laxmidas, who was already a lawyer, cheered Gandhi's London studies plan and offered to support him. Putlibai gave Gandhi her permission and blessing. On 10 AugustGandhi aged 18, left Porbandar for Mumbai, essay of mahatma gandhi, then known as Bombay.
Upon arrival, he stayed with the local Modh Bania community whose elders warned him that England would tempt him to compromise his religion, and eat and drink in Western ways. Despite Gandhi informing them of his promise to his mother and her blessings, he was excommunicated from his caste. Gandhi ignored this, and on 4 September, he sailed from Bombay to London, with his brother seeing him off, essay of mahatma gandhi.
At UCL, he studied law and jurisprudence and was invited to enroll at Inner Temple with the intention of becoming a barrister. His childhood shyness and self-withdrawal had continued through his teens. He retained these traits when he arrived in London, but joined a public speaking practice group and overcame his shyness sufficiently to practise law. Ina bitter trade dispute broke out in London, essay of mahatma gandhi, with dockers striking for better pay and conditions, and seamen, shipbuilders, essay of mahatma gandhi, factory girls and other joining the strike in solidarity.
The strikers were successful, in part due to essay of mahatma gandhi mediation of Cardinal Manningleading Gandhi and an Indian friend to make a point of visiting the cardinal and thanking him for his work. Gandhi's time in London was influenced by the vow he had made to his mother. He tried to adopt "English" customs, including taking dancing lessons. However, he did not appreciate the bland vegetarian food offered by his landlady and was frequently hungry until he found one of London's few vegetarian restaurants.
Influenced by Henry Salt's writing, he joined the London Vegetarian Society and was elected to its executive committee [57] under the aegis of its president and benefactor Arnold Hills.
An achievement while on the committee was the establishment of a Bayswater chapter. They encouraged Gandhi to join them in reading the Bhagavad Gita both in translation as well as in the original. Gandhi had a friendly and productive relationship with Hills, but the two men took a different view on the continued LVS membership of fellow committee member Dr Thomas Allinson.
Their disagreement is the first known example of Gandhi challenging authority, despite his shyness and temperamental disinclination towards confrontation. Allinson had been promoting newly available birth control methodsbut Hills disapproved of these, believing they undermined public morality. He believed vegetarianism to be a moral movement and that Allinson should therefore no longer remain a member of the LVS. Gandhi shared Hills' views on the dangers of birth control, but defended Allinson's right to differ.
He bankrolled the LVS and was a captain of industry with his Thames Ironworks company employing more than 6, people in the East End of London. He was also a highly accomplished sportsman who later founded the football club West Ham United, essay of mahatma gandhi.
In his An Autobiography, Vol. IGandhi wrote:. The question deeply interested me I had a high regard for Mr. Hills and his generosity. But I thought it was quite improper to exclude a man from a vegetarian society simply because he refused to essay of mahatma gandhi puritan morals as one of the objects of the society [58].
A motion to remove Allinson was raised, and was debated and voted on by the committee. Gandhi's shyness was an obstacle to his defence of Allinson at the committee meeting. He wrote his views down on paper but shyness prevented him from reading out his arguments, so Hills, the President, asked another committee member to read them out for him. Essay of mahatma gandhi some other members of the committee agreed with Gandhi, essay of mahatma gandhi, the vote was lost and Allinson excluded.
There were no hard feelings, with Hills proposing the toast at the LVS farewell dinner in honour of Gandhi's return to India. Gandhi, at age 22, was called to the bar in June and then left London for India, where he learned that his mother had died while he was in London and that his family had kept the news from him.
He returned to Rajkot to make a modest living drafting petitions for litigants, but he was forced to stop when he ran afoul of a British officer Sam Sunny. Inessay of mahatma gandhi, a Muslim merchant in Kathiawar named Dada Abdullah contacted Gandhi. Abdullah owned a large successful shipping business in South Africa. His distant cousin in Johannesburg needed a lawyer, and they preferred someone with Kathiawari heritage. Gandhi inquired about his pay for the work. He accepted it, knowing that it would be at least a one-year commitment in the Colony of NatalSouth Africa, also a part of the British Empire.
In AprilGandhi aged 23, set sail for South Africa to be the lawyer for Abdullah's essay of mahatma gandhi. Immediately upon arriving in South Africa, Gandhi faced discrimination because of his skin colour and heritage, like all people of colour. Gandhi was kicked by a police officer out of the footpath onto the street without warning. When Gandhi arrived in South Africa, according to Herman, he thought of himself as "a Briton first, and an Indian second".
He found it humiliating, struggling to understand how some people can feel honour essay of mahatma gandhi superiority or pleasure in such inhumane practices.
The Abdullah case that had brought him to South Africa concluded in Mayand the Indian community organised a farewell party for Gandhi as he prepared to return to India. He planned to assist Indians in opposing a bill to deny them the right to voteessay of mahatma gandhi, a right then proposed to be an exclusive European right.
He asked Joseph Chamberlainthe British Colonial Secretary, to reconsider his position on this bill. He helped found the Natal Indian Congress in[26] [67] and through this organisation, he moulded the Indian community of South Africa into a unified political force. In Januarywhen Gandhi landed in Durban, a mob of white settlers attacked him [73] and he escaped only through the efforts of the wife of the police superintendent.
Essay on Mahatma Gandhi in English/Mahatma Gandhi Essay Writing
, time: 1:18Mahatma Gandhi Essay for Students in English

Mahatma Gandhi is a universal leader of peace, love, justice, equality and human freedom. He is the icon of Indian Freedom. The following essays on topic Mahatma Gandhi, his life, role, importance, struggles, life Principles with detailed explanation, are essential and helpful for Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (/ ˈ ɡ ɑː n d i, ˈ ɡ æ n d i /; 2 October – 30 January ) was an Indian lawyer, anti-colonial nationalist, and political ethicist, who employed nonviolent resistance to lead the successful campaign for India's independence from British rule, and in turn inspired movements for civil rights and freedom across the world. The honorific Mahātmā Jan 09, · Mahatama Gandhi Essay in Words. essay on mahatama gandhi. Mahatma Gandhi is known as the Father of the Nation who led the independence of the country through the & Satyagraha movement, and the non-violence movement “Ahinsa”. He focused on civil rights all over the world. Mahatma Gandhi was born in Gujarat state at Estimated Reading Time: 8 mins
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