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Essay on benjamin franklin

Essay on benjamin franklin

essay on benjamin franklin

Words: Length: 4 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper #: Read Full Paper. Benjamin Franklin is considered one of the most important men in American history. Among his many contributions to the world were inventions such as the Franklin stove, the bifocal, and the harnessing of electricity The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin is an account of Franklin’s life experiences that taught him a deal of self-righteousness, virtue, self-actualization, knowledge and wisdom. Franklin recalls many past, powerful instances of his life that have influenced the ethical and intellectual development  · Benjamin Franklin wrote his writings in aphorisms, which are concise statements with a principle (2). A perfect example of this is the statement “an apple a day, keeps the doctor away”. Apples are a healthy food and are good for you; this statement is simple and concise. If you eat healthily, a good diet will prevent visits to the blogger.comted Reading Time: 6 mins

Benjamin Franklin Essay | Bartleby

Browse the database of more than essays donated by our community members! Benjamin Franklin is unmistakably the most resplendent figure in American history.

Starting out as an apprentice, Franklin was to become a renowned printer, a great statesman, and an innovator essay on benjamin franklin trying to find ways to improve his community, essay on benjamin franklin. But how could this peasant apprentice become such an influential man in a large-scale society such as Philadelphia? This was the question that baffled and worried many aristocrats of the early eighteenth century.

deadline 6 hours Writers : ESL Refund : Yes. deadline 3 hours Writers : ESL, ENL Refund : Yes. Payment methods: VISA, MasterCard, essay on benjamin franklin, American Express, Discover. Franklin symbolized the classic cliche of rags to riches vividly throughout his lifetime. His resilience and genius truly gave America a rebirth in the right direction. However, unlike many other success stories, he always managed to keep his attitude in perspective and on his goals.

Franklin personally attributed his success to frugality and common sense Looby Benjamin Franklin was born in Boston on January 17, He was the youngest boy of a very traditional family of seventeen Franklin 4. Luckily for young Franklin, his master was his older brother James who owned a printing press.

Franklin loved the fact that he had access to books and news. As a boy with only two years of schooling, Franklin soon began to educate himself by reading and imitating different books and essays Doren While studying his English prose, Franklin came across a remarkable piece of work by John Locke entitled Essay Concerning Human Understanding.

The paper was but a single sheet printed on both sides. So unlike the other two newspapers, The Courant was now open to the public by means of a commentary section Meltzer Many individuals in the area would drop off letters anonymously with hopes of them being published.

Franklin secretly wrote letters under the alias of Mrs. Dogood knowing that if his brother found out the letters would not be printed Crane He secretly slipped the first letter under the door, at the age of only sixteen. His brother James along with the rest of the readers loved the letters. Dogood was a delicious change from what the Bostonians used to.

Franklin put his own thoughts into her mouth and sprinkled her speech with generous quotations from Defoe and Cicero Meltzer However, the letters also advocated political views, essay on benjamin franklin, such as freedom of speech, insurance for widows, and asked why girls should not be educated as much as boys.

Needless to say, the controversies flared sales. But after a total of fourteen letters, young Franklin ran dry and confessed to his brother James. He made it clear that he was the master, and Franklin was still his apprentice. However none of this mattered to James, and he often beat young Franklin to get his point across. It was here that the cruel realization of servitude manifested itself to a young Benjamin Franklin.

James kept writing scandalous stories and eventually ended up in jail for offending the Governor. During his time in prison, young Franklin took over the paper Crane Franklin was named editor, so James could retain his freedom of speech.

However, a secret indenture was drawn to insure young Franklin would stay. Essay on benjamin franklin after their next quarrel, Franklin decided to leave anyhow. After seven years of service as an apprentice, Franklin finally found a clever way to escape his servitude. Out of rage, James made sure young Franklin would not find work in Boston, essay on benjamin franklin. So Franklin had no other choice but to leave in search of a new home.

After a three-day voyage, a courageous young Franklin arrived in New York. He describes himself in his autobiography as,? Franklin was unsuccessful in obtaining a job in New York.

He was hired immediately by Kiemer. His worst days were now behind him and a prosperous future was awaiting him in his new home of Philadelphia.

The English Quaker, William Penn founded the Philadelphia colony. Penn had provided for a tolerance of all religions, for free education, for the election of representatives, and for a jury trial in open court Meltzer Franklin quickly realized that he was in a much freer society than Boston.

Philadelphia was considered an asylum for the persecuted and a happy place for craftsmen, essay on benjamin franklin, traders, shopkeepers, and essay on benjamin franklin In essence, this was the perfect place for a self-educated peasant like Franklin to make something of himself. It did not take long before Benjamin Franklin fell in love with Philadelphia.

It took Benjamin Franklin only six years to establish himself as printer and to open his own shop. You see in addition to opening his print shop, Franklin also opened a general shop and began selling supplies essay on benjamin franklin many kinds: such as paper, ink, maps, lampblack, tea, groceries, lottery tickets and much more Meltzer This was clever of Franklin because he would advertise his products in his paper and vice versa.

Dogood letters back in Boston. However, this time Franklin did not want to start controversies; instead, he wanted to build solidarity. Everyone in colonial times was familiar with almanac books containing calendars, astronomical data, essay on benjamin franklin, statistics, charts, tables, holidays, festivals, weather forecasting, and scrapes of facts about anything the editor hopes the reader will like.

And once again, Franklin decided to use a pseudonym in order to remain anonymous. With success comes recognition and Franklin was most certainly recognized within the colonies.

Year after year, Franklin packed essay on benjamin franklin almanac with his sayings and rearranged proverbs. The success of the almanac helped establish a good reputation for Franklin. His political exertions within the founding of the United States of America were clearly unmatched by any politician.

This can easily be proven by the fact that he is the only man who signed all four key documents in American History: the Declaration of Independence, the Treaty of Peace with Great Britain, the Treaty of Alliance with France, and the Constitution of the United States Eiselen Franklin was by far the most influential man in the colonies; he was a natural leader fulfilled with original ideas. However, essay on benjamin franklin, Franklin was not content with the fact that he was wealthy and successful; he wanted to give back to the community.

Benjamin Franklin did a lot toward improving the Philadelphian community and soon the entire nation. InFranklin started essay on benjamin franklin Junto Club as a collective effort at self-improvement Doren This was vintage Franklin, for he always knew how to take everyday problems and solve them. For example, one of the first challenges he undertook was the paving of the streets. Everyone in Philadelphia knew that the roads were dangerous and a nuisance, but no one ever took action until Franklin came along.

He would first discuss the problem at hand with his friends at the Junto Club, and if they all seemed to agree, Franklin would take it a step further and publish it in his newspaper Meltzer This finally put enough pressure on the establishment to do something and soon all the streets began to get paved.

This must have had a tremendous psychological effect on Franklin, for shortly thereafter, he began to tackle many issues by taking the same steps as noted before. With this persistence, Franklin helped to establish a fire department, a police department, and the University of Pennsylvania As previously mentioned the Philadelphia colony was established and ran by Quakers who essay on benjamin franklin of religious reasons and values absolutely refused to take arms.

This philosophy had helped keep the community safe hitherto. However, in there was a serious threat of invasion by the natives, so Franklin sprang into action.

He rushed a pamphlet to the press and soon received support from the Governor of Philadelphia Meltzer In a matter of days, over ten thousand men volunteered for the militia The troops brought their own arms and drilled themselves over and over. Fortunately for the community, the invasion never took place, however, the men were glad to know that they would have been ready.

Being the only man to take charge during the communities? time of crisis, Franklin now received a whole new sort of respect from his contemporaries. Inafter much deliberation, Franklin decided to retire from the printing business. He was only forty-two years old but very wealthy and well respected. But even in retirement, Franklin still continued to contribute to society, essay on benjamin franklin.

He became very intrigued by the chaotic spelling conventions of the English language, and typically enough, essay on benjamin franklin, proposed its reform. InFranklin published a paper entitled A Scheme for the New Alphabet and essay on benjamin franklin Reformed Mode of Spelling McCrum However, this was not the first time Franklin had contributed to the English language, for it is undeniable that his newspaper editorials helped enrich the vocabulary of the early settlers.

Benjamin Franklin died in at the age of eighty-four. Having lived a life full of progress and commitment to his community. Many would agree that this is easy to say after you wealthy and successful, however, Franklin was the kind of man who would give it all up for a cause he believed in. Franklin was always looking out for his fellow settler. After the revolution, Franklin wanted nothing more than to ensure the success of the future nation.

By helping to create and advocate important documents like the Constitution and the Treaty with England, Franklin did ensure the lasting success of the Republic. His obsession to educate every settler truly had a significant contribution to the well being of our nation today. For this was the key to advocating all of his ideas. This content was submitted by our community members and reviewed by Essayscollector Team.

Benjamin Franklin becomes a writer - US History - Khan Academy

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Benjamin Franklin Essay Examples - Free Research Papers on

essay on benjamin franklin

The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin is considered to be the first autobiography written in English. It is written in the first-person point of view by Franklin, not only to tell about his life but to tell the readers about how The New World (America) can lead to a better life. The tone in his writing [ ] Benjamin Franklin's Autobiography is not only a story of his own relentless attempts at self-improvement, but also designed to be an early advice manual for A biographical essay on Benjamin Franklin, illustrating some of his many talents and his political career. Benjamin Franklin Benjamin Franklin was a remarkably talented man. He started his career as a simple printer apprentice, but went far beyond the printers shop. He developed products that were far beyond the time

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