Thursday, May 20, 2021

Essay on extinct species

Essay on extinct species

essay on extinct species

Essay: Revival of Extinct Species The extinction of species has been an ongoing cycle since life first formed on Earth. Some species have died out through natural selection, meaning they were unable to adapt quickly enough to the changing environment Species Extinction Species extinction is a familiar topic. I started understanding about species extinction even before I joined school. I learned there used to be hung animals such dinosaurs and mammoths, which had ceases to exist many millions of years ago. There were toys and films depicting such extinct animals An Endangered Species is defined as “a species at risk of extinction because of human activity, changes in climate, and/or changes in predator-prey ratios” ( The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services (USFWS) has the responsibility of keeping the records of all endangered species

Extinct Animals Essay - Words

The extinction of species has been an ongoing cycle since life first formed on Earth. Some species have died out through natural selection, meaning they were unable to adapt quickly enough to the changing environment. Whatever the cause may have been; what if we had the ability to bring extinct species back to life? Many people argue against the revival of extinct species because they believe it is simply not a worthy cause for the time and money it would cost to fund such a program.

Despite their belief, extinct species should be revived for essay on extinct species multitude of reasons, the major ones being medical and scientific advancement as well as moral calling to do so. One of the most beneficial aspects of the revival of extinct species is medical and scientific advancement. Essay on extinct species is no doubt that the technology required to perform such an achievement would have to be much more advanced than what we currently possess. Therefore, if the revival was possible or in the process essay on extinct species being made possible humanity would have to create new technology which would propel scientific advancement forward.

The requirement of new technology and research would additionally offer more short-term benefits such as the creation of new jobs and therefore a strengthening of the economy. On top of scientific innovation, the revival of extinct species would allow for further advancements in the field of medicine. If we had the ability to bring extinct species back to life then we would be able to study those species and analyze them to learn things such as what they are composed of, essay on extinct species may have led to their extinction, and other things.

If we know what they are composed of then we could potentially use it to enhance our current knowledge of their species or existing pharmaceutical drugs. As a result of reviving extinct species, we could bring about countless advancements in various scientific and medical fields.

As mentioned in the beginning, essay on extinct species, many species within the world were made extinct by human hands. Throughout time humans have hurt the environment and the species that reside in it in various ways, each time for the advancement of our species. We have overhunted various species such as the Pyrenean ibex as mentioned in Text 3 and wiped out the habitats of others for our expanding populations and businesses.

As humans, we developed science and industry at the hand of nature and the revival of extinct species offers a way to even the scales. The ethics of species de-extinction are not complicated; we do it as a way to pay back species for what we took from them and in the end, it is a win-win for both us and the species.

The concept of the revival of extinct species is obviously not one-sided. The opposition believes that de-extinction is an unworthy cause for the time and money that it would require succeeding and that instead of focusing on de-extinction we should focus solely on the conservation of species who are currently near extinction. This notion is false because de-extinction offers benefits in many fields more than conservation.

De-extinction produces benefits such as medical and scientific innovations while helping conservation movements by bringing back extinct species that can offer solutions to problems current species face. Another argument against de-extinction made by the opposition is that the reintroduction of revived species can be hazardous. According to Paul R. In any case, though, essay on extinct species, species should be reintroduced to the environment in a smart way, so that they are not invasive to other species or humans.

It is clear that that extinct species should be brought back into existence due to the many benefits that they would provide for us. De-extinction offers us innovation in both scientific and medical fields and provides assistance essay on extinct species conservation movements that will work to prevent further extinction from occurring. Although there are potential problems that may arise from reviving extinct species, they can be solved relatively easily and do not outweigh the good that comes from de-extinction.

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Endangered and Extinct Animals - Video for Kids - Rare Extinct Animals Video

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Essay on Endangered Species - Words | Bartleby

essay on extinct species

11/11/ · Animal that has gone extinct (Alasmidonta mccordi The Coosa elktoe, scientific name Alasmidonta mccordi, was a species of freshwater mussel, an aquatic bivalve mollusk in the family Unionidae, the river blogger.comted Reading Time: 5 mins 25/7/ · A global extinction is the total disappearance of all the members of a species so that none are left alive on the earth. Paleontologists have discovered millions of species of plants and animals that experienced extinction in the approximately million years that life has existed on blogger.comted Reading Time: 8 mins 1/4/ · The extinction of an animal species occurs when the last individual member of that species dies. Although a species may be "extinct in the wild," the species is not extinct until every individual, regardless of location, captivity, or ability to breed, has died. Extinction of Animals Causes

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