Thursday, May 20, 2021

Teenage depression essay

Teenage depression essay

teenage depression essay

In an article by Perri Klass says “The signs of teenage depression include mood changes, like persistent sadness or irritability, and changes in level of Teenage depression is a growing problem in today's society and is often a major contributing factor for most adolescent problems. The statistics about teenage runaways, alcoholism, drug problems, pregnancy, eating disorders, and suicide are alarming. The common link to all of these crises is often depression  · The above essay is a sample essay which is written in order to help the students for their essay writing work on teenage depression. But if you are in a need of essay writing help on teenage problems then access to the services of Students Assignment Help blogger.comted Reading Time: 4 mins

Depression Among Teenagers Essay - Words | Internet Public Library

A considerable number of teenagers around the globe extensively suffer from depression. Depression can lead to several unpleasant behaviors, especially when left unattended.

However, in as much as the teen are extremely vulnerable to depressions, most of them adopt several mechanisms that significantly assist them in containing their situation. Although, the methods employed vary from one individual to another; some may employ constructive measures, while others use unhelpful approaches, teenage depression essay.

It is noted that teen depression is primarily caused by two common factors i. unanswered sorrow and emotional disconnection.

Unanswered sorrows are caused by certain life experiences such as the loss of loved ones, desertion, and disturbing events. On the other hand, emotional disconnection is caused by the fear of being unable to correlate with other. Many people misunderstand teen depression, which is due to their several interesting behaviors at this stage. Therefore, it is extremely necessary to understand teenage depression essay, incase one intends to detect and assist the teenagers fight against depressions.

Depression is an awful illness to the teens, since it causes extraordinary grief, fury or despair among these youngsters.

Furthermore, it is also a lethal disease; many people have perished after suffering severe depression i. either by committing suicide or by natural death. However, teenage depression essay is noted that the majority who seek for treatment, approach persons such as teachers or parents who often assist them get the best treatment, teenage depression essay.

It is extremely difficult to detect a depressed teenager. This is because; most depression symptoms are similar to certain normal behaviors of teens. However, the most regular symptoms considered as follows: extraordinary sensitivity to criticism, rejection of friends and families, fuming moods and unexplained pains. Depression is characterized by several effects; however, most of them impact negatively to the teens.

Untreated teens end up: using illegal drugs; having class work problems, eating disorders; portraying immature behaviors and having low self-worth Gelman, Teenage depression essay, some of them become violent, practice lots teenage depression essay reckless activities and, in some instances, they even threaten to commit suicide.

Teenager seek help to persons they trust; therefore, for one to assist them he or she must display certain tolerable and friendly qualities.

One needs to be understanding and offer extensive support to the depressed teens. Furthermore, one must listen with kindness, and later emphasize to them, on the importance of seeking treatment.

It is also helpful, to notify the teenagers, how they can seek for treatment i. by advising them teenage depression essay consult doctors or any other specialist, and maybe explore other treatment options.

Teenagers employ different approaches in their attempt to cope up with depression. Some teens employ positive approaches, whereas others use unconstructive measures, which end up messing their promising lives.

Teens employ several constructive ways of handling depression during their adolescent stage. For instance, a considerable percentage of teens use extra-curriculum activities such as sports and games, teenage depression essay, to cope with depression. They spend many of their free hours in playing different sports, games and other co-curriculum activities.

This extensively assist them cope with depression since most of their free time is spent on sports, instead of idling with a depressed mind. A number of teens employ several unconstructive approaches of coping with depressions during their adolescent stage. For instance, a significant number of teenagers use drugs as a way of escaping their mental problems.

They smoke, sniff and drink unhealthy drugs such as marijuana, cocaine and alcohol respectively Gelman, Interestingly, most of these teens are often convinced that drug abuse do solve their teenage depression essay. This is extremely unfortunate to them, since abuse of drugs does not, in any way, solve their problems; instead, it further complicates it, to the extent of being uncontrollable, teenage depression essay.

A considerable number of teenagers engage in reckless behaviors, teenage depression essay, as a way of expressing their humiliation and depression. They often feel relived after doing or participating in certain irresponsible behaviors such as shop lifting.

However, the relief is momentarily thus they keep on repeating the immature behaviors. Some teenagers also keep off their friends and families, when they are depressed Ayer, Their primary intension is always not to abandon their friends, but to avoid discussions and conversations that might complicate their situation.

However, this is not necessarily a dire approach, since it may work well to some teens. Depression is a common illness among teens, and it is associated with several complications including disagreeable behaviors.

It is, therefore, imperative to, unmistakably, understand teenagers, incase one intends to assist them. This is because of the misconceptions surrounding their teenage lives thus one may misinterpret some of them as unusual behaviors. Teens employ several approaches in coping up with depression; some of them being beneficial, while others unconstructive.

Ayer, E. Everything you need to know about depression. New York: The Rosen Publishing Group. Gelman, A. Coping with depression with other mood disorders, teenage depression essay. Smith, M. Teen depression. Need a custom Essay sample written from teenage depression essay by professional specifically for you?

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Teenage Depression Essay

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Teen Depression Essay - Words | Bartleby

teenage depression essay

 · Depression and Anxiety in Teenagers. More than 1 in 20 US children and teens have anxiety or depression (Wolters Kluwer Health). Teenage depression and anxiety is one of America’s most prevalent issues that parents can’t seem to get a hold of. Students all over the nation are struggling day to day with this mental illness.5/5(27)  · The above essay is a sample essay which is written in order to help the students for their essay writing work on teenage depression. But if you are in a need of essay writing help on teenage problems then access to the services of Students Assignment Help blogger.comted Reading Time: 4 mins  · Teenagers that develop constant depression and anxiety are diagnosed with what is known as clinical depression, a constant state of sadness. (CDC, ) According to Doctor Jeffery Smith author of Teen Anxiety and Depression for the American Psychology Association, depression and anxiety in teenagers is largely attributed to hormonal imbalances that take place during teenage /5(24)

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